Twentieth century conservation areas

In 2017 the Twentieth Century Society appointed AHP, in association with Robinson Wild Consulting, to research and report on potential twentieth century candidates for conservation area designation. This was to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the Civic Amenities Act 1967, which introduced the concept of conservation areas ('areas of special architectural or historic interest, the character and appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance'). Funding was provided by Historic England. We prepared fifty short illustrated reports, mostly on areas and developments post-dating the Second World War, including new towns, housing estates and university campuses. We also prepared more detailed 'exemplar' appraisals for two potential conservation areas, in Plymouth city centre and Milton Keynes. A scoping report highlighted key emerging themes, including issues of scale, land ownership and perceptions of quality. The report aims to provoke discussion and debate. 

Photo: Cottington Close Estate, 1954-58, London Borough of Lambeth